Return and Refund Policy

At Western IT Park, we are committed to providing our clients with exceptional services and ensuring their satisfaction. We understand that situations may arise where a return or refund is necessary. Please review our Return and Refund Policy below:

1. Project Initiation and Advance Payment:
Clients are required to make an advance payment of 40% of the total project cost before the commencement of any project work.
This payment is refundable and is intended to cover initial project setup, resource allocation, and administrative expenses.

2. Project Progress and Payment Milestones:
As the project progresses, clients will be provided with regular updates and milestones achieved.
Clients are required to make a subsequent payment of 60% of the total project cost upon reaching predetermined project milestones.

3. Change Requests:
Any change requests during the project will be considered separately. Additional costs incurred due to change requests will be communicated and must be settled before implementing the requested changes.

4. Project Completion and Acceptance:
Upon completion of the project, clients will have an opportunity to review the deliverables and provide feedback.
Any issues or concerns should be communicated within 10 business days after project completion.

5. Refund Policy:
Refunds will be considered in the following circumstances:
Failure to initiate the project within the agreed-upon timeline by Western IT Park.
Substantial deviation from the agreed-upon project scope and deliverables without client approval.
Unforeseen circumstances preventing the completion of the project.

6. Refund Process:
Clients seeking a refund must submit a written request, detailing the reasons for the refund.
Western IT Park will review the request and respond within 10 business days.
Refunds, if approved, will be processed using the same method as the original payment.

7. Cancellation Policy:
Clients may cancel a project at any time, but the advance payment made is refundable.
If the project is canceled after the commencement of work, clients are responsible for settling the payment based on completed milestones.

8. Contact Information:
For any inquiries or concerns related to the Return and Refund Policy, please contact our Customer Service team at